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Diegueño Middle School

A Proud Member of the San Dieguito Union High School District
Absence Reporting
Absence Reporting
Staff Start


Phone: 760.944.1892 x6605 
To Report an All-Day Absence:
Student's name, your name, and relationship, reason, date, and a contact phone number. For illness, please call every day. For personal business, such as travel, one call is sufficient with the reason and dates missing.
Off-Campus Passes:
  • Please call before school starts, (24 to 48 hours ahead is preferable).  
  • Please leave your student's name, your name and relationship, reason, time of dismissal, and a contact phone number.
  • If someone other than a parent is picking up a student, please provide this information as well.  Remember, only people listed on your student's emergency card on file at the school and who are over 18, will be allowed to pick up your student unless you specify when calling.
        • It is the student's responsibility to pick up the Off-Campus Pass before school is preferred. To minimize classroom interruption Off-Campus Passes will not be delivered to the class. Students must show their Off Campus Pass to the teacher before being released from class. 
      • Anyone picking up a student is required to show ID.
For Late Arrival:
Student's name, who is calling, date and reason for being late, and a contact phone number.
Excessive Unexcused Tardies:  Students are expected to arrive to each of their classes on time and ready to learn every day.  Students who accumulate excessive, unexcused tardies will be provided corrective intervention.  Students with 3-6 unexcused tardies in one month will be assigned lunch detention, and students with 7 or more tardies will be assigned a Friday Night School.  If unexcused tardies continue after corrective intervention, progressive discipline will be applied including campus beautification, School Attendance Review Team (SART) contracts, and School Attendance Review Board (SARB) contracts.
Attendance for your student is vital to their learning experience at Diegueno.  Also, it is mandatory per CA Education Code that the Attendance/Assistant Principal's office will be sending letters home to those students who have multiple unexcused absences reminding families to be mindful of their student's absences at Diegueno. We are here to help and support you, if you receive a letter please contact with any questions you may have.
Diegueño Middle School