Getting Started with Enrollment

Immunizations & Health Office

Troubleshooting & FAQs
2025-2026 Enrollment info:
Incoming 7th graders from EUSD
Meetings at your school will be in February
Current DNO 7th graders will choose electives in March
Current dno 8th graders -high school iselection opens January 24th at 8 am and closes february 13th at 4pm
2025-2026 Enrollment info: Incoming 7th graders from EUSDMeetings at your school will be in FebruaryCurrent DNO 7th graders will choose electives in March Current dno 8th graders -high school iselection opens January 24th at 8 am and closes february 13th at 4pm
Please note that, in order to prioritize time serving SDUHSD students and their progression within our district, SDUHSD staff members will not be fulfilling any requests to complete subjective ratings, letters, or recommendation forms for private school admission.
Educational records, such as transcripts, grades, attendance, etc. may be printed from the Aeries Parent Portal. Educational records that are not accessible via the Aeries portal must be requested from the school registrar by the parent/guardian/educational rights holder.